Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Your Testing in the United States?

How do you feel about having your blood work sent to the United States?

Maraviroc is a new HIV drug that will soon be made available. However, in order to qualify for this drug, you will need to do something called a tropism test. The tropism test will check to see if you have R5 or R4 receptors on your CD4 cells as Maraviroc will only work on R5 receptors (to prevent the virus from attaching to the CD4 cell). Right now, this test can only be conducted in California, as Canada doesn’t have this technology. Does having your blood sent to the States worry you? What are the issues and concerns, if any?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Due to the fact that the Medical Records from BC have already been sent down to the State years ago to a company which is connected to the Homeland Security, it would just be more fuel to paranoia created by this to add to having more medical testing being kept in the States. I, personally wouldn't want anything more on record in the U.S. than already is. If it meant keeping my privacy, I'd fore-go that special testing over having it done.
Art W.
BCPWA member (Vancouver).