Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Treatment Side-effects: Sleep Disorders

Sleep is an essential process needed by the body as “down time” in order to rest and repair from the day. With person’s with HIV, side-effects of treatment may create sleeping disorders. If you are not able to get regular, good quality sleep, either in the long or short term, your ability to think, speak and concentrate will be reduced. You can become more irritable and have slower reactions, and your memory and judgment will be affected.

Try these few tips first to try and improve your sleeping, if the problem persists, please contact your health care provider.

Take a hot bath before bed
Have a cup of herbal (chamomille) tea or warm milk
Make your room a quiet and comfortable refuge; only use it for sleeping in
Try to get some exercise every day
Get into a routine where you go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day

As I mentioned, if sleeping disorders persist, you should contact your doctor as he will be able to help. What are your tips for helping to get to, or to stay asleep? We always love to hear from you. Until next week…be well!

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