Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Is the future of HIV drug therapy the “one pill” option?

HIV medication treatment may begin to favour the ‘once-a-day’ pill called Atripla. More doctors are choosing Atripla as the HIV drug therapy for their patients and many think it will be a great boon to simpler HIV care. It contains three different HIV medications from two classes of HIV medications: Viread, Emtriva & Sustiva. Atripla can be taken alone as a complete treatment regime. Atripla almost certainly will continue to suppress your virus and be easier to take. Side effects may include nervous system symptoms, headaches, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, rash, fatigue, itching, abdominal pain and inflammation of the pancreas. Note that it is powerful and will be generally well tolerated. However, if you are doing well with no side effects on your current HIV meds and your regimen is already once a day, albeit with more pills, there may be no reason to change it. Remember that your doctor and health care team are always your most important source of information about your health and your treatment. Have you had experience with Atripla? Are they positive? Negative? Has it proved to work well for you? Tell us your thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've been on atripla for six months and have had no problems except visons while i sleep (barbra, bette, cher, diana).